Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter Break Narrative

This was the most memorable winter ever.On the day of Christmas I woke up and went to see my gifts. When I opened them I was the most disappointed kid on campus. The reason why is because I got a video game that I already own,two Rubix Cubes and the second Indiana Jones movie that was a dollar at Walmart. I was really upset and wanted to turn in all my gifts.

I knew that I was supposed to be grateful that someone went out of their way to give me these gifts but I was at the point that if I got nothing at all I would have been happy. I called the office to see if I can trade them in to get something else but they said no. Then I tried to make the rest of my better by going to the brunch they had. The food there was great and I spent time with my mom.

Unfortunately my little brother wasn't there with her. I spent of the day with her until three. I said good by and went home. When I got home the Christmas dinner was done and I had Steak,potatoes and shrimp. It was pretty good and I kinda felt better about that day. Unfortunately it still was my worst Christmas ever!

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